Introducing myself!

I am a programmer, designer,
and a fullstack engineer.

Hi, my name is Adam Moftah and I am a full stack engineer. I got into programming by way of graphic design and a knack for problem solving. I attended Yale University as an undergraduate majoring in art. Though my coursework was primarily focused on graphic design, my interests led me to explore virtual reality research as well as other sorts of digital media.

After graduating I attended a coding bootcamp where I began marrying my design experience with new-found technical abilities.

Creative solutions to technical problems are what I offer.

Here's my Resume~

Skills I Possess!

Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Arabic

Libraries/Frameworks: React, Redux, Node, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, D3

Web Tools: Git, Heroku, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Multimedia Tools: Adobe Creative Cloud, Unity

Some of my Projects!

Here are a few projects I've worked on. They incorporate varied frontends and backends and are pretty fun.

preview of stack overwhelm site

Stack Overwhelm

A Stack Overflow-inspired forum website created using React-Redux, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL.

  • Created a simple, elegant UI through independently produced assets and JavaScript sliders as well as rich text editing through React Quill.
  • Designed and produced custom assets for the site, including a banner, logo, favicon, and buttons.
  • Leveraged Rails polymorphic associations for votes on questions and answers to practice DRY coding patterns.
  • Github
preview of feuding friends game

Feuding Friends

A live multiplayer Family Feud game collaboratively developed with MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.

  • Designed and developed the game with consideration for both desktop and mobile views for increased accessibility.
  • Utilized socket.IO to synchronize a shared state amongst players in a given gameroom.
  • Produced assets such wireframes, a logo, and a favicon through Adobe XD and Illustrator
  • Practiced collaborative Git workflow practices through development and deployment.
  • Github
visualization of audio using app i built

Sound Sight

An audio-visualizer developed using JavaScript, D3.js, and browser Web Audio API

  • Utilized JavaScript to preload audio onto the site as well as enable user uploaded audio.
  • Created custom visualizations of audio data based on analysis of frequency data derived through Web Audio API.
  • Designed an effective UI intended for ease of use and streamlining of functionality.
  • Github

Contact Me!

I am actively looking for the opportunities! Feel free to contact me at via email at or phone at (917) 513-2900!